Top 10 Cheap Playstation 4 games
The Playstation Pro is fantastic news for those buying a standard Playstation 4 on the cheap!
Thinking of upgrading to the latest (3 years old now) generation of console gaming?
Great news! A weighty back catalogue of top-notch games await for the incredible sum of next to nothing. Handy, as you’ve just blown most of your budget on the fancy games machine itself.
Please enjoy the following recommendations. Also, congratulations on holding out.
I’ve included an approximate price for second hand purchases. No doubt you could hunt down cheaper deals; I believe in you. Also, the order of the list doesn’t really matter… Ok, apart from number 1. You should all buy The Witcher 3.
10. Killzone Shadow Fall – £7
In need of a flashy first person shooter? You can’t go wrong at this price.
9. Gravity Rush – £13
A unique upgraded PS Vita game, with top notch floating around action.
8. Driveclub – £14
The best driving experience on the PS4.
8. Shadow of Mordor GOTY Edition – £15
This was one of the first true next generation games. Third person action adventure with the Nemesis system.
7. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – £14
A flawed masterpiece. Try not to worry about the unfinished 2nd act of repeating missions.
6. Until Dawn – £14
A choose your own adventure horror story in which you secretly play as the director. Better then it sounds.
4. InFAMOUS Second Son – £13
Third person superhero, running about town nonsense. Great fun.
3. Bloodborne – around £15
A 10/10 game and gateway drug to Dark Souls. The best PS4 exclusive on offer. Be warned, it’s an acquired taste.
2.Batman: Arkham Knight – £14
An absolute classic.
1. The Witcher 3: Game of the Year Edition – £25
The greatest RPG of our generation. Thanks to your prudent ways you can snag the game of the year edition, which contains the entirety of the post-launch downloadable content. That’s well worth the extra expense. No really, I’ve spent over 200 hours in there and still haven’t tackled the final DLC story.
Special mention to the following incredibly cheap games for those on a budget.
You can pick up Watch Dogs for around a £5, and it’s not the absolute worse game ever. At least, not for a fiver.
Tales from the Borderlands is a great adventure game at around £14.00.
Assassins Creed: The Pirate One for £10. There’s sea shanties and everything, even if it is a bit clunky by today’s standards. Jumping onto a boat and setting sail is still a lot of fun.
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Limited Edition – £11. Yes, another third person running around game and underrated gem. The punching people in the face mechanics are excellent.
The Evil Within is probably worth £9, for a slice of survival horror.
If you didn’t catch PS3 classics, The Last of Us and GTA V it might be an idea to enjoy the improved remasters.