Hot-Damn Gee-Willikers Diggidy-Dog

A lovable 1920’s comedy dog. Not racist.


Hollywood: Rumours! Rumours we say!

You simply won’t BELIEVE number 5!!! if you do, i’ll find you. and kill you.EXCLUSIVE

Secret scoops about all your favourite Hollywood celebs!

Wow! What have you uncovered this time? I said get on with it you pleb!

WOW! For earlier scoops, click here and maybe… Here. It doesn’t matter. It’s a pack of lies.



Even More Hollywood Exclusives!

YOU WONT BELIEVE NUMBER 1! Forget the other numbers, just read the first number of the list. you won’t even need to read the rest. just the first Bloody number. go on, you won’t believe it. honest.EXCLUSIVE

Welcome to even more scoops from the Gutter!

A selection of scandals you have already read before, now with augmented pictures to back up the many, many lies!

GADZOOKS! For earlier scoops click THIS or THIS! You won’t regret it! CLICKY CLICKY CLICK!