Oh, the games really called Eggnogg+. The plus is important
Let’s talk about a small free game I’ve only recently found out about. I know, I’m late to the party, but at least I did show up.
Last month we reviewed Nidhogg 2 with vast amounts of booze. Sadly no-one in the group wanted to play the game again. Ever.
No problem. I guess we could replay the original Nidhogg… Oh wait. What about…

What an adorable sunset.
Born from a 2013 gamejam, on first glance some might stop in their tracks and cry “why, how very, very Nidhogg!”
You (who definitely said it) would, of course, be right. Now here’s an interesting fact. I slightly prefer Eggnogg’s control scheme. Want to stab someone in the face? Hold up and attack. None of that fencing faffery. It’s a tad more immediate. We are given a choice of a few levels to mess with and I’m happy to report they’re brilliantly designed, with choke points, traps and an excellent flow.

Real life fun.
A Nidhogg demake?
My only sore spot is that is that I’m not a huge fan of the games music. It bothers me after prolonged battles. Luckily you can mute it and slap on that classic Nidhogg soundtrack, or whatever else you got swirling around in your head.

Kung-Fu Action is good action.
Nidhogg 2 review callback – Wait… Didn’t Cin make a lame joke about Eggnogg? Oh that Cin.
Vastly more enjoyable then Nidhogg 2 you can acquire Eggnogg for free, or whatever contribution you’re willing to give.
So free, and then cough up if you enjoy it.
Go grab it from here.

You can always appreciate a game that ends in doom. Certain DOOM.