That Zelda review now has a score, how terribly exciting

I acquired the game on release with wholesome bright-eyes and a whistle in my heart, before writing my initial thoughts a week later.

John Link

Do not let John Link near a pen.

A whole months dedicated play later, I finally feel comfortable in dishing out a score. Yes, you heard right, it took a month to fully absorb. That’s the kind of hard hitting hot-take you can expect around here.

Oohhh, what number did it get?

So, click here to skip directly to the review and nod. 

For those that have already read the review, why not skip directly to the score, and give an even mightier nod. If you disagree with said numbered score, please read through the word-parts for a full and frank explanation. If you are still troubled by the score afterwards, please register a complaint at the passing clouds, whilst shaking your fist.