Bethesda: Media Review Copies

Good news! In the future, Bethesda have decided to send review copies to the games media a whole single day before release.

Try not to worry guys. I mean, you loved all the Dooms and Dishonoureds?

Don’t worry. You can trust them. It’s not like they’ve ever released a broken game or anything utterly average. No really. Honest.

Remember when I speculated Doom will be a pile of shit? I’d admit it was a pretty good game, hey, I’m only human after all. This conclusion came about because traditionally, when a publisher holds back review copies, they know its a load of ol’ rubbish and are desperate to con the general public with hype, smoke and mirrors and the promise of everlasting gameplay.

Pip Boy Wii

Violently stapled to arm.

Hooray! It’s now policy.

The publisher is bigger then public awareness. Having informed purchasers could lead to poorly sales. Like the mob used to say, with a shrug “hey, why take the risk”.

So pre-order away. I promise that wont come to bite anyone in the arse. It’s not like there will be a backlash or anything.

How long before other publishers wise up and follow suit. They’ve already got your money, you gave it to them before a mate could tell you it’s not even a game, it’s an edutainment downloadable app based around the Kardashians.

Anyway, change the lyrics from “music industry” to “games industry” and please enjoy.

Good luck everyone.