World Cup in Virtual Reality

The Egypt Vs Uruguay game’s dull enough for me to write this entire article. Suarez just missed a sitter.

Lounging around a swanky Virtual Box watching a football game sounds like a pretty good idea, right? Plus it’s completely free to try out.

All you need to do is to look up the BBC Sport VR: FIFA World Cup on the PS store and hit download. I suggest you go try it now.

My job here is done.

C’mon, you don’t really need an opinion on it. Shoo! You can try it out now…. for free.

Oh, you’re at work? You don’t have Virtual Reality? Fine, come on in and I’ll tell you wot I think but you owe me a beer.

VR world cup

Waving a magic pad around ya face to impede the action.

Impressive but fuzzy (at least the Egypt Vs Uruguay was, I included an update for the Spain vs Portugal game.)

Yes, that statement could be applicable to most VR apps.

With virtual pad in hand you can sit in one of three positions. Behind each goal, or the best view, slap bang in the middle. With a push of the R1 or L1 bumpers you can quickly swap positions without the need to look at the pad. A tap of the L2 button leaves the pad menu where you wave it. Handy if you don’t want flickering all over the place.

VR Wish-list – I’d love to stand in the dugout holding a massive cigar screaming instructions, but you can’t have it all.

VR world cup

Your swanky pad. Note the strange little man. You could also watch the game on that small telly if you’re insane.

There are options to remove the additional floating screen or mute the commentary. I can confirm the commentary is the same as wots on ya telly. You can watch neat little videos (you can even sit on the sofa to watch it on “telly”), such as players arriving on planes, and view a calendar. If you do that, you’re admitting the games a tad boring. It is currently 0-0 and the half time whistle is posed to blow. I admit I spent some time watching a strange little man walk about the suite.

It is all very cozy.

Half time doesn’t send you to the studio to listen to the pundits, but leaves you in the stadium as everyone runs off to eat pies. You can watch the big screen though.

VR world cup

It’s half time. Crowd’s had enough.

I had no problem with steaming and it was smooth throughout. The game has a minor time delay of a minute or so, but you can live with this.

Top VR Tip – Remember, don’t have the game on at the same time as the VR as the commentary will ruin the surprise of a goal.

After 20 minutes of saying “blimey, this is great” to no-one and admiring an half empty stadium… ok, and staring at that massive head bloke in the crowd just below me, I had to return to the traditional way of watching a football match. Firstly, it was lunchtime and you can’t stuff your face with a giant headset resting on your face and secondly I wanted the clearest image available to me.

VR world cup

At half time you can watch the virtual big screen… or flick back to real telly. Or sit in the garden. I dunno. It’s your life.

The idea is great. The app works better than expected. It needs to be in HD before anyone can seriously consider watching football in VR. Sometimes it’s that simple. 

If you want to watch the World Cup whilst the kids run around your feet, as the wife watches soaps or violent anime, this app’s worth its weight in virtual gold.

Sexy Personal Note – I own a similar sofa as the app. Ultra realism.

Second half’s started much better (nope, hat was a lie, 60 minutes in and it’s poor again). I’m off for another beer.

Walks past… 89 goal? Muh. Undeserved.

Update – Not all games are equal as the Spain vs Portugal game was definitely clearer. Standing behind the goal with such clarity at the World Cup… man, that’s something. It makes a huge difference and Joey Jo Jo has watched the whole first half in awe.

Joey Jo Jo changed the camera to flick behind the Spanish goal as De Gea split Ronaldo’s shot! It is really, very cool.