The REAL InputError Award for First Person Shooters 2016

“Before GamerDownStreet mysteriously disappeared he expressed the following.”

Huge overbearing applause.

“I wish to live in a world without conflict, a world where we can leave the front door unlocked. A world where I’m allowed into every bedroom! I believe! I BELIEVE this world is within reach! Your nominees are: -”

Devil Duh

Welcome to Doom

  • “Overwatch”
  • “Star Wars Battlefront”
  • Superhot
  • “Your Dooms”
  • “Your Titanfalls”
  • Shadow Warrior 2

    Shadow Warrior

    Looking good big guy.

  • “Battlefield 1”
  • “Battlefield Zero”
  • “Battlefield Alpha One Tangos Moondog X”
  • “Battleborn”

“This year’s best shooty-shooty game is…”

Battlefield 1

Tiny cymbal, Fez monkey applause.

2016 has overseen the revitalisation of the beloved First Person Shooter. I could only wish GamerDownStreet was still able to enjoy the bountiful shootings.