Songs on Loop – #9
This is a pretty serious one. I genuinely can’t get this out of my head. I’ve been singing it for a week now.
Please, send help.
Tunes we like. or dont.
This is a pretty serious one. I genuinely can’t get this out of my head. I’ve been singing it for a week now.
Please, send help.
Ravey-ravey, rave, rave! Ba-doing, Ba-ding! Jumpy Jumpy Jump!
Yes, this is the song trapped in my head this month. Honest. Good ol’ fashioned man rock with a full complement of denim coverings.
Lovely stuff.
Was tough choice between Run the Jewels and Christopher Walken saying “Pistachios” on loop over and over again, but it appears I dreamt that.
A wise man plays Run The Jewels as loudly as possible.
Especially this track.
This song was trapped in my head for a good 2 weeks in July.
So I’m starting to think that this the perfect rock song.
Everyone wants to be Josh Homme. Everyone wants to drum like Dave Grohl.
Now, everyone air guitar! Now everyone air drum!
That bass bit.
A dangerous song known to become trapped in ones mind for years at a time.
Easily the finest video reply on any social media for family, friends and loved ones. Everyday is a struggle.
Another song in desperate need of expelling from my mind.
I could have chosen any number of Future of the Left songs. But today I woke up and this appeared to be trapped in my brain…
Sigh… I couldn’t help it, this one too!
These quick tips are potentially time dependant. I said possibly.
“Yes, I too like Suede.”
Every now and then a song becomes trapped in my head. This month…
Also my favourite mash-up, which I think of almost as much as the original
It’s not easy you know.
Organising festivals for punters who hate you.
It really hurts your feelings.
Makes you sad inside. (more…)
Thinking back to a show I barely acknowledge, all the recent winners do appear to fit a theme; mostly white people playing at soul, possibly heartfelt on a piano. Compliments a nice soap advert. This isn’t about them really. In fact I don’t blame the acts one bit, even if it’s not to my taste.