House of the Dying Sun

Despite how it looks, I’m doing rather well here. Honest.
SHORT REVIEW: Early access REVIEW – PC Version
Put away your flightsticks young man. Please remain calm sir, I’m not talking about VR Porn.
The resurgence of the space flight sim is a wonderful thing. The games industry ignored the genre and you hear the sound of a thousand publishers weeping as Star Citizen crosses the $100,000,000,000,000.24 mark.
On first glance you would think my trusty flight stick would get a run out here, but nope. Control pad recommended, as this has more in common with Colony Wars on the Playstation than Elite Dangerous.
Let’s hold hands to cross the road as we ask the question, to looming trucks headlights. Is that a good thing?
From the official website – “right now I have no plans to add or change anything major to the game. The remaining work will center around bugs, weapons, upgrades, wave clear, and mission balance.” Great. Let’s review this sucker now and revisit on official release.