Sonic Mania is the natural continuation of the original 2D Sonic games from yesteryear. As the internet’s going crazy for the game let’s cut straight to it.
Is the hype and excitement warranted?
If you grew up with fond memories of classic Sonic, you will derive much pleasure from this game.
Once or twice a year I (secretly) take the plunge into the murky world of online shooters. I consider them throwaway experiences. Pop in. Shoot some people. Get called Noob before moving on. I seldom speak of this odd behaviour as I never spend enough time with these games to have a strong opinion.
Hot News Update: Man makes computer game of the sporting variety.
I can’t think of a better way to describe the game then copy and pasting the Steam blurb. No, it’s not lazy! How dare you for thinking such a thing.
BEHOLD THE KICKMEN is a football game made by someone who has no understanding of, or interest in, what is affectionately known as “The Wonderful Game”. Start at the bottom of the Big Boring Football Spreadsheet and grind your way up to become the best at the football anyone’s ever seen.
The other, most important thing to keep in mind is the cheap, cheap price of £2.51? Gee-whizz!
Fast RMX makes for a damn fine first purchase. For a start it’s a full game at the right price. Naturally, I didn’t really play it, as I’d also bought the more expensive Mario Kart. That’s the kinda game it is. Naturally ignorable.
I’m a silly lad. I didn’t give Soundgarden’s final album as much time as I should have. It’s strange how you revisit things when death waves his grim hand. I’ve found myself revisiting this track a fair few times and with the death of the peerless George A. Romero, it seems quite apt.
The most visual. The most confusing. The most Lynch episode. So far, my favourite episode of Twin Peaks.
I seldom gossip about on-going television shows. It’s all rabid speculation until the series comes to a conclusion and the threads are woven together; if at all. This episode of Twin Peaks was different. I felt compelled to speak about it. I suspect it has had that effect on a lot of people.
Warning: The following article will enter spoiler-valley. So let’s assume you’ve kept up to date on the series, heard of a black lodge and you’re as excited as I am.
Welcome, welcome, to a list of dirt cheap games, that you’ll most likely own already.
Oh Steam. With your lacklustre quality assurance and hands off approach to everything. But who cares about that. Tha’ be some bargains to rummage through!
You wouldn’t know this, but I didn’t abandon that apprenticeship article. Every and now and then I’ve tickled it with a little update. Just an on-going diary showing how utterly apathetic the scheme is.
YES. It’s That time of the year WHEN a load of new game videos are released.
I’ve watched a bit of the ol’ new Shadow of ya Mordor’s and a bit of the ol’ online Pirate Games. Oh yes, they are oh-so-lovely. Although, most of the exciting things tend to have 2018 release dates … Can you wait guys? Can you?
I’m glad you’ve noticed that you haven’t had to tolerate a cacophony of brightly-coloured shitty flash adverts clogging up the site. Sorry in advance for the unskippable advert on the following video.
More to the point, I’m excited about a game! The chap that created the original X-Com has turned to crowdfunding kickstarer-alike Fig to create his true successor. Lovely.
Wait, I thought Nintendo were only going to concentrate on new games?
They did say that right? Well, I guess this is the first time Bulb Boy’s left the safety of PC-land to console valley.
Now, I’m not saying I had any influence on one of the biggest companies in the world, renowned for doing their own thing, often with baffling result; but I did say Bulb Boy would be most excellent on a phone an’ that’.
Hey, would be nice if they brought over a Towerfall, Black and White Bushido, or some other excellent single-screen local multiplayer titles to a multiplayer handheld.
Anyways, you can read my Bulb Boy pc review here. If you’re in the mood. It’s pretty short.
No… I won’t force you to click more. You can look at the Switch trailer below.
Endless Space is a 4x space strategy nerd game. I’ll resurrect my quote from my Stellaris review.
Why, it’s a nerd game in which you do a Star Trek. You start with a single planet and attempt to best rival civilisations to take over the galaxy. Hopefully to the soundtrack of an 80’s montage sequence. You’re the best, AROUND!
The first game had interesting races, smooth presentation and was very easy to negotiate.
Yes, I liked it a lot. Now that Stellaris is out the way, I’m very much looking forward to taking over the galaxy again. Always with the taking over the galaxy. Every few weeks. I can’t help it.